About US

Luke 10:27"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"


  • Know Christ and love Him in a growing personal relationship, through the exercise of spiritual disciplines.
  • Serve Him with their whole lives, share Him with others, and involve themselves in a local Christian community.
  • Can articulate and defend the Christian worldview, applying it to all areas of life, while maintaining an ability to understand and critically assess opposing worldviews.
  • Utilize critical thinking skills to question, solve problems, and make wise decisions, and are proficient in finding, evaluating, and communicating information.
  • Are proficient in math and science, recognizing our physical world and its physical laws as God’s creation that glorifies Him in every aspect.
  • Appreciate literature and the arts as talents from God with an understanding of how they express values and belief systems.
  • Recognize the role of God in history and discern His continued direction in the affairs of man.
  • Know and understand the major themes of the Bible, applying them to daily living, and interpret all of life through the lens of biblical truth.
  • Demonstrate respect for those in authority and others with whom they work, play, and live, recognizing the inherent value of all life and showing integrity in all their actions.